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Dr. Aggarwal

New York, NY

Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, MD, PhD, a resident physician in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at New York University Medical Center has dedicated his career to the study of cannabis. Dr. Aggarwal has done extensive research on marijuana’s therapeutic value in treating the symptoms of people living with multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, cancer, chronic pain, and other serious illnesses.

Having lived and worked in three states with legalized medical marijuana, Dr. Aggarwal has seen firsthand just how much it can benefit patients. He says, “The endocannabinoid system is vital in humans and modulates many essential functions, including mood, movement, memory, pain, appetite, immunity, inflammation, nerve and neuron protection, reproductive function, and even tumor cell regulation, among many others.”

Dr. Aggarwal’s research in medicine and science has led to several publications in leading peer-reviewed journals on cannabis’ therapeutic value, dosing, and safety. Dr. Aggarwal wants to offer his patients who need it access to medical marijuana, but worries he might have to leave New York in order to do so legally. In the hopes of helping his patients and ending suffering for many others, Dr. Aggarwal continues his research and supports the passage of New York’s medical marijuana bill. “As a doctor I feel helpless when I can’t give my patients an effective treatment for their pain,” he says.

Dr. Aggarwal is forced to choose between practicing medicine in another state or denying his patients access to a medication he knows may help them. This is a choice no healthcare provider should have to make.